Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Something new

I have this coworker who has changed her life through her diet. She saw that I was being sort of spastic last week and took the time to slide a book on my desk. The book is rather small and I wanted to discount it but I picked it up and started reading it on the bus. It's called "Sugar Blues" by William Duffy and it was actually written quite a while ago. I checked the publishing date and it said 1975, so I guess it's got some staying power.

Anyway, I picked this thing up on the bus and it floored me. I've only read the first couple of chapters and it's challenging me on the way I've been eating all of these years. It really resonated with me last night. Late in the afternoon...before I went home, some folks from one of the baking classes brought pieces of cake down to our office. I snarfed a few pieces and immediately I felt a combination of buzzed and bogged down. It was an awful feeling...a quick flashback to halloween evenings or Christmas Eves in the past when I'd eaten way too much crap and had that combination feeling of blecccchhh and rotten. On the way home, I started to read the book and it started to make sense to me...I was feeling the results of what I ate and was understanding what was actually happening to me. The crap that I'm putting into my body is affecting me.

Here's the interesting part...after reading the book on the way home, I got home and there were some M&M's in a container on the counter. What did I do last night? I ate them and felt crappy again. How stupid was that?

So, here I am this morning. I've decided to try something new. I got some bananas for breakfast and I'm drinking water and having some herbal tea at work (the girls have craploads of tea here). I am making the effort...just for today (hmmm...where have I heard that before?) not to consume sugar. This is a beginning...just one day. I'm not worrying about tomorrow, but for Good N' sneaking up to the bake lab and trying mini peanut butter cups when I get home. I can't make any promises on tomorrow, but today I'm trying something new.


Mama Nabi said...

One thing I did notice was that, ever since I started eating healthier for LN's sake, I do feel less sluggish.
I've asked my sister for that info - hopefully she'll get back to me soon... :-)

samokdaddy said...

Thanks much-appreciate the help.

Anonymous said...

You had my attention until the peanut butter cups. Sorry, I will not be giving up my peanut butter cups.