Thursday, March 20, 2008

Princess Bike

Last fall Goobs and I went to Wally World (the evil Wal-Mart) and picked out a bike with training wheels. It was (and still is) his first bike. He was so excited that I think he about peed his pants when we were leaving for the store. If you remember from my previous posts, Wally World is less than 200 meters from our place, so it's not that much of a trek to get there. We walked over and went to the bicycle section. There were quite a few bikes with training wheels and made for a kid his size. I looked at more of the generic looking bikes, but he fixed his attention on a bike with "Spider Man" all over it. I thought it looked a little tacky, but he was determined that we was going to get that Spider Man bike. I tried to show him the value of some of the other bikes, but that effort was in vain. Goobs really really really wanted that Spider Man Bike, so I relented and we snipped off all of the price tages and labels, wheeled it out, (yes, we got a helmet too) and we took the long way home. He was really excited to ride a real bike with training wheels.

Cut away to now...It was a little warmer last weekend. I was really busy last weekend, but I took a little time on Saturday because the Spider Man Bike had a problem with the rear brake. I, by nature, am about as handy as a rock. Luckily, this chore was something that even a non handy guy like myself could fix. You know, it's kind of cool when your son looks up to you after you've fixed one of his toys. You really feel like "Dad." Well, it was still chilly on Saturday, so he just took the bike out on our small deck. He didn't have any room with the bike, but he still had fun. The Bun was out there too, since she wants to be with her brother a lot of the time. Well, she became pretty jealous of the Spider Man bike. She tried to grab it and said "My Spider Man bike!" We had to tell her that it was her brother's bike...we did tell her that she would get a "princess bike" and mommy and daddy would get it for her. Since then, she's been running around jabbering about "princess bike." I came home late earlier this week and J announced to me that daddy was going to take the Bun out to buy her "princess bike" on Friday. Both of us have the day off on Friday, so it's a perfect day to get it. The Bun isn't very big...she's very small for her age. She still tips the scales at right over 20 pounds, so this is not going to be a very big vehicle. J has found a pink and white "big wheel" online at Target. I think we'll end up getting that for her. It's going to be interesting with both kids rolling around...

On another note...Back in my younger and far wilder days in the military, I sat down at a tattoo shop and got a little ink done on my left shoulder. It's discreet and no one gets much of a look at it unless I'm swimming or laying around at home in my gym shorts. Goobs, of course, has seen it quite a bit. About a week ago J started laughing and told me that I should know that Goobs has been announcing to his peers, preschool teachers, and daycare provider that his daddy has a tattoo. I suppose that's why he's been writing on himself with pens lately. You know, I have had the urge to get another tattoo, but that kind of stopped me in my tracks. I think I'll put off the thought of another tattoo for later...


Anonymous said...

i have a fairly large tattoo on my back and a small one on my leg (inside left thigh - kind of like a bad pitch: high and tight) . . . i wear the ink without apology and think it's a great lesson for the kids - never apologize for who you are. i know that some of the parents and administration at the school judge me because of it (the one on my back) but that's their problem, not mine. =)

(that being said: i've already told both kids they can't get ink until they're living on their own, paying their own rent/way.)

The Father of Five said...

Oh, Come on now - you tattoo tease... Show us your ink!!

I've always wanted a little "ink" done myself... But I've never nailed what I want down.

I want to make sure it's something important to me... I was thinking of a silhouette of Minnesota, or a duck in flight, or a the cape of a buck (representing the buck I took a few years back...)

But, until the kids are grown (and I have a little left over bling-bling... There wont be any tattoos..

Dad Stuff said...

Isn't it a great feeling when you child thanks you for fixing something. It makes me feel like superdad.
No tattoos for me, but I bet your 'biking gang' will soon have matching tats to show when you ride.

Anonymous said...

you know, when i fix something around the house, i don't feel like "more of a dad" . . . huh. =P

*actually, i pride myself on the work that i do - i'm pretty handy! (except with electricity.)

Anonymous said...

The Champ is 6 and still rides with training wheels. I told him this year he has to learn to ride without the training wheels.

He's not too thrilled.