Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easterbasket Detox

Just a few housekeeping notes as they relate to some prior posts. We held off on the princess bike for the Bun since we had a blizzard on Friday. I think she was cool with it because she didn't run around too overly much asking for the princess bike. We did get to play outside in the snow. The kids weren't too hip on making your generic snowman. Rolling snowballs and making them large enough for body parts didn't seem to interest them. Those kids decided that building a volcano made out of snow seemed far more pragmatic and fun. The volcano turned out pretty cool and the four of us had a small snowball fight.

I did some of my homework on Friday and finished it up on Saturday. I actually had fun doing it. I'm not getting the fact that homework is now fun. I was the guy who used to make up symptoms of illnesses to get to the nurses office on a regular basis so I could skip out of tests or to avoid homework. Ferris Bueller had nothing on me. I loathed doing schoolwork and would come up with elaborate schemes and lies to accomplish goals of not dealing with any kind of assignment. So, what happened? Now, I'm excited to get to the homework and I won't put down an assignment until I'm sure that I've done my utmost. Is it age...have I changed...what's the deal? All I know is that I am having fun with it all. The karmic wheel has indeed turned. I wonder how my kids will relate to their teachers and how they'll feel about learning.

Yesterday was Easter. I had been sugar free and had been doing quite well. I fell off of the sugar wagon hard yesterday. I think I OD'd on malted milk balls, whipped cream and jello, M&Ms, and some other crap-besides the ham, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, corn, and asparagus. My body responded to the sugar...initially, it was elation, but it was soon followed by an awful feeling of bloated lethargy. I made the drive home okay, but I think I felt worse later in the evening. I finally got to sleep and got up early and went to the gym. I'm detoxing and I'm slowly feeling better today. I think it's going to take a few days to do it.

Easter was fun for the kids...we did fill up their Easter baskets...not to the degree to we did last year. The kids got sleeping bags made for the livingroom and a tent...which we did put up in front of the TV. They got a new DVD also. It wasn't the best animated flick on the planet...but Open Season wasn't too bad. The Bun saw a picture of a porcupine on the front of the DVD case. She's decided that the movie is about a porcupine. She can't pronounce porcupine, but she does the best that she can. She calls the movie "perkyfine." Although we didn't have time to watch a video this morning, she asked repeatedly for "perkyfine." We'll probably have to watch "perkyfine" a few more times this week. Oh'll be fun. Gotta run. Hope everyone is perkyfine this morning!!!


Mama Nabi said...

I think LN has finally reached HER chocolate limit. To make her Monday drop-off go a bit better, I offered a small piece of chocolate... she said, with disdain, "No thank you."

I ate it... and now I AM perkyfine.

Glad you guys had a good Easter!

Anonymous said...

i'm not a huge fan of sweets, but yesterday a couple of us gals got together and had TWO deserts btwn the 3 of us!!! (one of them just experienced a break up . . .)


samokdaddy said...

How'd it make you feel? Not the breakup...but the sugar. I'm asking folks now how they feel when they have sugar...sort of research to see if it matches how it makes me feel. Do you feel sluggish and crappy afterward? Just curious...

Soccer Nanay said...

it has been scientifically proven that sugar does make you sluggish after that initial high. But, as scientifically proven things go, i could care less.

I am eating a half bag of Crunch eggs.

Anonymous said...

i took a nap after we got back to my house . . . but that may have had more to do with the 6 margaritas i had than the sugar. (but the other 2 girls were feeling pretty sluggish, too, and they only had 2 margaritas a piece.)

when i do eat a piece of candy or sweet, it's usually just a tad, so i'm probably not the best person to ask about the sugar-slide, but carbs (another form of sugar) can definitely put me in to a carb induced coma).