Thursday, December 27, 2007

yada yada blah blah blah...

J is a pretty ebay savvy woman, which is a good thing because I'm a moron when it comes to that stuff. She got me a pair of used ski pants for about eight bucks-the shipping will be more expensive than the pans themselves. I'm not going to complain because I couldn't come up with something like that and would end up at The Sports Authority, spending a shitload of money if I did it my way. She's in the midst of bidding for a ski outfit for herself. I'm not getting involved with her online shopping. She is the master, and I...a mere online shopping village idiot.

Let's see... I didn't post yesterday. It was pretty uneventful, with the exception of one thing happening. I had to pee...which is a pretty normal thing, at least I think so. I, as most folks do when following the call of mother nature, walked down the hall to the bathroom. The restrooms are directly infront of the administration offices of our fine institution. The director of career services has her office in that little complex. She came out of the admin offices to see me walking to the restroom. I, being the social animal that I am, said "Hi, Becky." She didn't respond with, "Hi, Steve," but with "You know you're not supposed to be wearing jeans at school. You can't wear denim." I smiled and said "Hey, it's the day after one's here and I'm working on the computer in the office all day." She didn't even say..."hey it's okay, but make sure you at least wear something else tomorrow." Nooo...she continued by saying, "'s in the your handbook."'s in the handbook...and I'll tie it to my wrist and sleep with it from now on...GIVE ME A BREAK...Oh, and I'll put the right cover sheet on the TPS reports too...I HAVE BEEN ACCOSTED BY THE PANTS POLICE!!! I hope the common sense police give that woman a good whacking too!!!

I don't know about you folks, but we have a fridge full of leftovers. I'm going to be eating leftovers for at least two more weeks. The food's good and I have no complaints...I'm just eating good stuff over and over. We've got ham, ham soup, mashed potatoes, pizza, homemade chicken fingers, frozen chili, this awesome fruit salad (the stuffs got mangoes, pineapple, grapes, jackfruit, natte de coco, coconut balls, heavy cream and condensed milk), and other stuff I can't even remember that we've got stored in the fridge.

Okay, here's another thing about food...good food, new food, leftovers, and any other edible kids hardly eat anything. They'd rather run around the kitchen table, chasing each other, wrestling, and throwing stuff. Eating is really low on their list of fact, it's somewhere between visiting the dentist and getting a shot in the fanny. We put food in front of them and they just ignore it or tell us it's icky. I am at a loss to know how they are growing, for indeed they are-seriously, I'm clueless about this. We've had to buy new pants and shoes for both of them. They're growing, but how they get adequate fuel is beyond me. One thing they clamor for on a regular basis is chocolate milk. We go through jug upon jug of the sweet, brown stuff. They suck it down and cry for more...and of course, J and I comply and fill up their glasses again and again. The beef and the potatoes grow cold as they run around...the chicken strips are half eaten and the veggies have na'ry a fork touch them as they lay dead on their plates. The pediatrician told us not to worry about it and they are fine. So, I guess we'll just put food on their plates and hope they eat. I usually scarf it up if it's sat for a couple of hours...I do that since we don't have a dog.

Well, that's about it for today. It's another day of high drama in the office during Christmas Break... I'm on pins and needles people!!!


Mama Nabi said...

hahaha... TPS report. Seriously. At my work, the only dress code is: clothes of some kind and shoes of some kind. In the summer, we have student workers who are practically na-ked running around.

So whenever I run into someone who frowns while looking at my jeans, I say, "Isn't it great that we don't have a dress code?" Pshaw... hell, if they want me to dress up, I need a wardrobe allowance. :-)

... and I hope you were able to pee... and not on the aforementioned offending pair of jeans.

Oh yeah, I can find some mean bargains online... J and I would so get along! Is she still excited? I'll have to hear about how she enjoys this upcoming trip as I've never been either.

As LN's ped says, kids are incredible, they eat about 3 times their own weight one day and then the next, they eat one little pea and still survive. (at least, this is what I tell myself whenever I find myself worrying about how little LN's been eating...)

samokdaddy said...

MN-Yes, I had the opportunity to everything is copacetic as far as that goes. And...I haven't had the pleasure of running into the "top cop of the pants police" since our little encounter in the hallway.

As far as J and ebay...let's see...she was online for quite a while after the kids were down last night. Here's her thing/problem that drives me absolutley bonkers. If I see something I want, I want to bid on it...that's question. I don't want to search all over and look for something else that I like better. She's gotta search all over and find the absolutely best product for her(whatever it is). Granted, this is being a good and value conscious shopper, but FOR GOD'S SAKE, MAKE A DECISION AND BID ON SOMETHING!!! We've realized after seven years of marriage that our shopping styles don't match at all. Maybe I'm just a guy and I know what I want and just want to get in, purchase the item, and get out.

That goes even further when shopping at a store...I'm a Kohl's kind of guy. I go and find stuff that is on sale that looks pretty good on me (imho, of course)and buy it (that's discussion...just take it to the clerk and get out), but she wants to go to Anne Taylor Loft and pick up/touch everything-move to something else-touch that, and then move back to the item of clothing she has previously touched and looked over...and touch it again...simply maddening... If you want to see me squirm...have us go to Pier One together. She has to touch everything in the whole store. Luckily, I'm a closet candle sniffer, and I'll spend the better part of an hour checking out the new candle scents. I think it's best if I stay home with the kids when she shops. She thinks it's best too...Especially if she's shopping for shoes...then I'm liable to go over the edge...and you'll find me in the food court with a catatonic grin on my face.

Oh, and the Bun is eating more...this comes from firsthand experience. She's pooped three times a day for the past few days. If it goes in the mouth, somethings gotta come out...

Anonymous said...

i used to worry about JC (the boy) because he is/was so much smaller than his sister was at the same ages . . . but it's true what Mama Nabi says: one day they're eating everything in sight - the next . . . nothing! and yet, either way they have the energy to run circles around me and the kitchen and family room!

*i used to work at a pretty conservative catholic university here and my first day on the job was criticized for not wearing my Ann Taylor sweater over the matching shell (no sleeves!). ". . . but you can see her *shoulders*!"