Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm experimenting in the office today. My coworker got a giant ball to sit on, rather than a chair and I'm using it this morning. I want to see if this is a good thing for me too. She blew it up with a pump yesterday afternoon and I expressed my curiousity about the whole "sit on a big ball" thing. She told me to go ahead and try it for a day and see how I might like it. If I do like it, I'll get my own big ball.

I haven't had too much experience with exercise balls. I see people in the gym sitting on them and lifting small dumbells. I know it's supposed to increase core strength and have you really focus on certain muscles when you're exercising. My wife also used a birthing ball when the kids were born...that looked like the same thing as I'm sitting on right now. I have seen TV reports about how schools are using the balls rather than chairs for elementary students. I guess they are getting some of their energy out by sitting on the balls...and also their posture has improved. I guess what I'm thinking is...what's good for third graders is good for me. I do have some tightness in my lower back, but I'm willing to forgo a little aching if it helps me physically in the long run. I do wonder if students will think their advisor is a dork if they see me sitting on a ball. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Oh by the way... I bought the chips, had lunch with everyone in the office and actually had a good time. It's a good thing when I forgo my pissy attitude, just keep going and become pleasant with those around me. It's amazing how that works on a regular basis...Duh...


Mama Nabi said...

...but what happened to the buns? I really want to know! :-D

Another blogger I read (OTRgirl) talked about using the ball in lieu of a chair. I'm tempted to bring in my exercise ball since my core muscles (what muscles?) and posture are shot to hell... hmmm, so a lot of people are doing it, eh?

samokdaddy said...

MN-I took the buns home. We've got craploads of leftover ham.
We had a ham last weekend and froze a lot of meat. They'll be good for ham and cheese sandwiches for the kids.

She got the ball at the downtown Target...since we're only two blocks away from it...This one's green with weird paisley designs on it.