Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Today's meanderings

First off...J laughed at me last night and told me that I need to proofread my blog much more closely. I guess my last big offense was my spelling of Zeppelin. Whoops, mea culpa. I guess I will have to give the blog a "once over" before posting. It's nice to know that I have another reader, but she only comments about the blog when we're sitting on the sofa together. My pride is always somewhat wounded when she comments, but I am grateful that she reads my stuff.

This upcoming weekend is actually one where I am totally free to give me entire attention to J and the kids. I am finished with my class and I won't be teaching for a month, so no lesson planning over the weekend. It's a time when we, as a family, can go somewhere or do something different. Gosh...I'm thinking a winter visit to the zoo or some time at one of the museums.

To top it off, the Vikings are playing a Monday night game against the Bears-I know this doesn't seem like a lot, but watching football on Sunday afternoon was the only real relaxing "me time" that I had for the past few months. The kids usually nap or are goofing around with playdough in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon, so J would actually sit down with me and watch. Even though she didn't grow up watching the game, she's picked up on the rules pretty well. She and her brother watched "football for dummies" on ESPN International when she lived back in the Philippines. There are still questions she has regarding certain rules, but she follows along really well. She does give editorial comments during the game, which are quite funny. If a player is laying down on the ground and seems injured, she does chime in with "Bayot!" (the term for girly gay man in Bisaya) She also yells..."Hit him...Hit him...Hit him!!!" when she wants a Viking player to tackle an opposing player with the ball. My wife actually likes football. In past years, she has told me that she doesn't like football because I've been told I morph into an idiot sometime in the beginning of September and slip out of my stupidity at the end of January-a parallel of football season. This year does seem to be different...I don't know why. Hopefully, I haven't been too much of a moron. Maybe it's because I have been so busy, I haven't had time to say or do dumb things. I'm excited because J told me that we're going to have homemade hot wings for dinner that night...a good football meal!!! I love my wife!!!

Also...I have to mention something about our daughter, the Bun. I don't know why, but she's decided that she likes to get up every morning between 4:00 and 4:30. She jumps out of bed, runs to our bedroom, throws the door open, comes up to either J or I, slaps one of us on the head and shouts either "wake up mommy" or wake up daddy!" At that point, she's revved up, ready to watch the Sprout or the Disney Channel and eat her raisins. That girl has a motor that just won't quit. We are trying to put her to bed a little later...say 8:30 or 9:00, but that hasn't made a difference at all. She still pops up, runs to our bed and rousts us. The girl is full of "piss and vinegar..." I guess that's just the way she is, and we'll just have to put her to bed at 10:00 or 10:30. Her brother, on the other hand, needs an atom bomb to blow him out of bed and into his clothes so they can leave in time. We have two completely different kids when it comes to morning routines.

Well... that's enough for now. Gotta be a worker again...


Anonymous said...

there is nothing more painful than being woken up by a child who is revin' to go 45 minutes before you intended to awaken . . .

as for your question . . . depends: does this friend live in las brisas texas or the subdivision in san antonio by the same name?

Mama Nabi said...

I'm hoping LN will turn out to be more like me... I like to get up S L O W L Y... very....

samokdaddy said...

You know...our little girl has a bit of a fire in her belly. I'm not sure if I want to tame her too much. I just want her to sleep more. I like her being full of "piss and vinegar" and I hope she keeps the spunk she has now.