Thursday, December 20, 2007

Our anniversary is coming up next month, as is J's birthday. In fact, they are only five days apart. We had been talking about going to this wonderful touristy town outside of the twin cities and staying in a Bed and Breakfast type of hotel and going all out. I was down with that...I really was... But, I got an email from J a couple of days ago that she wanted to try something altogether new. She, my dear readers, has gotten a wild hair up her backside. My lovely wife...beautiful filipina...child of the south sea islands...daughter of the heat...wants to go skiing.

We've got reservations for a weekend skii package at a hotel outside of a ski resort in the area. She is completely fired up for this and has been checking out ebay and other sites to find cheap ski clothes. She, my friends, is chomping at the bit for this opportunity. I have to admit, it's going to be fun.

Here's my thing...I tried to teach her to ride a bike in the Philippines. She didn't like my approach...I guess I was a little too dictatorial in my teaching methodology. We still haven't attempted swimming lessons for her yet...that's another story...Here's what I don't get with that one...How can someone grow up so close to the water and not be intimately acquainted with it? But, that's another post.

Back to skiing lessons...I think it's better left to the professionals at the ski school. When she first learned to drive, my stepdad took the lion's share of her instructional time. She didn't want me in the front seat with her, due to her experience with my instructional approach with bike riding. We did spend a little time together when she was learning to drive, but that occasion was marked by her "back ending" one of the local high school drivers' ed teachers in the drive through line at our Wells Fargo Bank branch (that's one for the ages). So, the ski instructors can work their magic with her for a couple of hours and then we'll try skiing together. I've done my share of skiing over the years, so it's going to be nice to just play while she's learning. I just have to remember to keep my mouth shut and let her have a good time. Besides...with my luck, I'll be the one in the full body cast at the end of the weekend.


Whit said...

I've always been a big fan of taking people to the top of a hill and letting them learn on the way down.

It's funny.

Mama Nabi said...

(I've always suspected whit has a bit of sadistic side - and this is just from reading his comments here and there!)

I have to say, BRAVO for thinking about this before the ski trip - seriously, you should have seen the way my dad tried to teach my mom how to drive... and I've seen this so many times. Even the best teachers out there don't know how to teach their spouses. There's an elevated element of spousal tension.

J IS brave! I have yet to attempt skiing - it seems such a hassle, putting on all those bulky clothes, sliding down a snowy hill (when one can easily do that in one's own neighborhood), possibly breaking a bone or two... freezing one's rear-end off... I mean, that hot drink back at the lodge better be damn good if I'm going through all that!

Are the kids going as well?

Anonymous said...

HAHA! to whit's comment. i wonder if he also subscribes to the "throw them in the deep end of the pool" method for swimming?

sounds like it's going to be a LOT of fun. =) i think it's great that J wants to try something new and different! good for her!

have a great time!

samokdaddy said...

Whit-If it were anyone else but J, I'd gladly set them atop a big old hill and let them fend for themselves, but I just can't do that with J. Nothing can match a beginner's scream as they pick up speeed and hurtle down toward the inevitable mess that awaits them.

MN-Yes, you are so right about spousal tension when it comes to teaching anything dealing vehicles or an athletic activity that involves speed and crashing. I did tell her we need to practice with chairlifts...her response to that was..."Hey, we went on the chairlift thingee at the entrance to the Seoul Zoo and that wasn't a problem!" I then reminded her that that took place in the autumn and she wasn't wearing skis and there wasn't any snow. She didn't take that too well. As far as the kids...well, they are going to be with grandpa and grandma in Owatonna. We've got it worked out...grandpa and grandma live for this stuff...and the kids love we get a romantic getaway-hopefully with broken bones, and the kids can get completely spoiled for a weekend. We'll miss them, but I'm sure they will get all the lovin' they need from the grandparents. I just hope they don't puke with all the cookies they'll be snarfing there.
Angie-Yeah, J's got some spunk, but I know what's going to happen the next day...she'll be sore and whining on the sofa. I'll be giving her back, butt, leg, and foot rubs. That's why we spent the whopping 25 extra bucks for the Jacuzzi in the livingroom type of hopefully we won't be as sore as I think we'll be the next day!!! I know the tub sounds romantic, but I know that thing is going to come in handy at the end of a full day of skiing.
I'll let you guys know how all of this plays out...we won't be going till the weekend of the 18-21 of Jan.

samokdaddy said...

I mean...hopefull with NO broken bones...

Soccer Nanay said...

Hmmm...when I decided on this skiing trip, nobody mentioned about broekn bones...

Mama Nabi said...

Freezing Islander: yeah well if ya let us in on YOUR blog, I'd have given you a heads-up over there! :-)

Beloved said...

Skiing--yay! It's especially interesting to me that your wife decided she wants to try skiing because my husband claims that he, after 5 years of living in this frozen state, also wants to try skiing this winter. He did seem a little less enthusiastic after I told him how many times my students fell down, but I'm hoping to get him out there. Lessons are an excellent idea. I was thinking I'd just show him a thing or two myself, but I don't know what I was thinking. That'd be a recipe for disaster (and lots and lots of bickering and fighting).