Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Led Zepplin and Elmo

So, I'm getting ready to leave for work and I've got the news on and I see that a guy in London paid $175,000 for a single ticket to the first concert in the Led Zepplin reunion tour last night. HOLY CRAP... I feel guilty when I spend an extra twenty bucks on something. That just floored me... I just wanted you folks to know that. I really want to take J to a concert coming up. I'm not sure who we'd see, but that's just something I've been kicking around in my head. She's a big Dave Matthews fan. I'm okay with Dave Matthews, but I think the Barenaked Ladies would be much more fun...but, if I'm taking her...I want to treat her. The only problem is that Dave Matthews ins't coming anywhere near here anytime soon.

There is a concert/happening at the Target center coming up soon that we could go to. Elmo and the gang are coming for an appearance within a month or two. Taking the kids to this might be the only concert experience we have for quite a while. It's going to be a different kind of feeling from concerts I have been to in the past. The overriding smell in the air at a Sesame Street concert will probably be of cookies baking rather than the sickly sweet scent of weed that would cover the crowd at a DMB concert. At this point in my life...the cookies sound sooooo much better.
I was kind of amused the other evening when we were watching PBS. It seems that included in one of their membership drives, is a backstage pass to hang with Elmo at one of the concert dates. I can't imagine what backstage with Elmo and the gang is like. Do they request fruit platters and Evian or does the band require buckets of bubble gum and pink lemonade? Do aging teen girls try to relive their youth by trying to sneak in and get a little time with the man and sing "Elmo's world" with him. Do kids attempt to get back there by saying to security "Hey, I'm real tight with Dorothy...let me in." Are there emergency calls to nurses and mommies when kids OD on sugar cookies, get hyper and then have complete meltdowns? What is a backstage meet with Elmo like? I don't know... My kids probably won't know either because you can only get a backstage pass with a $600 donation to the station. I'm not made outta' that kind of money, so I'll just get the kids another Sesame Street DVD and let it go at that... They'll get some cool stuff for Christmas, so backstage time with the little red phenom isn't going to happen anytime soon.


Whit said...

We have taken our oldest to see Coldplay, the Village People (free in the park) and Chris Issak (when he was 6-days old). He has taken us to the Wiggles (original line-up).

Our youngest hasn't been out as much. We should do something about that.

Whit said...

BTW, our son was 6-days-old, not Chris Issak.

Anonymous said...

one of the last (adult) headliners i saw was dave matthews. BUT at the wiggles concert, there was beer - LOTS of adults with LOTS of beers =)