Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fitness is killing Samok Daddy

Fitness is definitely a good thing. I think that most people would rather feel better, look better, and have more energy both in the off ice and at home. No one says to themselves..."Yeah, I'm so happy that I've added ten pounds of blubber and I'm feeling more sluggish." I can't think of anyone I know that is happy buying "fat pants." I've been at this for quite a while now. I like the idea of becoming more and more fit. But, an experience yesterday way on a completely different plane. I took part in a "spinning class" with a six-foot-one amazon with tree trunks for thighs.
I have been really faithful with my swimming, biking and running. I thought I had been making progress. We had joined Gold's a few months ago because J wanted to get back in the gym too. I had been a member of the Minneapolis Downtown Y, but we don't have a Y close to our suburb at all and we both liked Gold's, so we made a decision to get a couples membership there. I hadn't taken any of the classes until yesterday. I'd just gone on my own and worked up a pretty good sweat. I felt confident that I could handle a spinning class-my male bravado kicking in. I should know better...
I kind of got the idea that I was out of my league when she walked in the spinning room. She was a full four inches taller than I am. She had huge, muscular thighs (good for biking) shoulders like a lumberjack, and bulging biceps. She looked like she could have been the perfect female contestant in an ultimate fighting contest. She was very nice when she helped me set up my bike for class...kind and helpful. Her demeanor was not what I expected when she came into the room. She really put me at ease...that is until we started the class.
It lasted for an hour. We went from restful riding to really cranked up intensity. It was rest, push, rest push, rest, push really hard, rest push really really hard, rest, push your absolute guts out, and rest again. She had me straining to limits I didn't think I could reach. I was bathed in sweat and I had the mantra, "Don't puke, Don't puke, Don't puke...." going over and over in my brain. I did make it. It was indeed good and doing it repeatedly will make me stronger for the fitness events I do want to take part in. ego took a beating. The fifty something year old guy next to me (obviously in fantastic shape) didn't look like he was working that hard. I know if I keep doing this, I can be that guy. I think everyone in that class kicked my rear.
It's good to get my butt kicked. It keeps me humble and motivated. It's also going to give me the strength to chase Goobs and the Bun around the house and yard.

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