Yup, we like the Barenaked Ladies in our house. Our kids have given BNL the greatest amount of CD play within the past year. Goobs and the Bun especially like the "Everything for Everyone" CD. They really rock out to the song..."Another Postcard." J has been doing a lot of videotaping of the kids and she's got them dancing to BNL for a prolonged period of time. We kind of had forgotten about how much until she took the tapes in to have them converted into DVD's so we can send them to her mom back in the Philippines. We watched the DVD's when we got them back from Proex this past weekend and really had a great time. We saw the Bun waving her arms and bouncing up and down. Goobs vacilated between doing the pogo to a preschool version of a stage dive onto the sofa. It was a blast to watch. The kids even started dancing again when they saw themselves on the DVD. We also had tape of the kids dancing to BNL's tune on the "Chicken Little" soundtrack, called "One Little Slip." J even danced with them during that tune.
I have seen some performers or groups that are specifically for kids...Milkshake, Dan Zane...etc., but my kids don't bounce off of the walls for those folks. They jam to BNL-occasionally Goobs asks me to throw on some old Aerosmith and turn it up. He says, "Daddy, I want Rock and Roll!" Who am I to turn him down if he wants to have a little fun with some music.
We also can get mellow in the Samok household. The kids also love Jack Johnson's Curious George Soundtrack. The call it "Monkey Song." The tune "Upside Down" from that CD came on the radio when we were driving the other day and the kids screamed "Monkey Song..Monkey Song...Daddy I want it louder!!!"The Bun's second birthday is coming up at the end of August. My fantasy is to be able to call up the boys from BNL and have them play a backyard birthday concert for my kids. After seeing them in concert and also some of their live performances on TV, I think Ed Robertson and Stephen Paige and the boys are just big kids themselves. Man, it would be great to have a little cake and dance around with my kids to "If I had a million dollars." I just think that would be sooooo coooooool.