Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snakes...why does it always have to be snakes...?

Ya read the news and this kind of thing pops up...A 16 foot brush python stalks a family's chihuahua and eats it in front of the kids...I just read the story and my gosh...people are dumb!!! The wild snake had been stalking the dog for a few days, in fact the python had even been found in the dog's bed. Come on people...You're not going to get the snake to move, so why don't you at least move the dog for a little while? You know...put the little guy in some sort of canine witness protection service...move him!!! Put him in a place where the big bad snake can't find him...and not just leave him there as the "entree of the month." Right now you've got traumatized kids and a snake who is just "doin' what comes natural" -and of course little fido...who is no more...

What the heck people???

"Snakes...Why does it always have to be snakes?"

Can anyone tell me who uttered that famous question??? It's a little movie trivia...



Anonymous said...

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

What's my prize? =)

(*Because my first guess was Samuel L. Jackson from Snakes on a Plane, I was going to respond with "it's motherfu**ing Samuel motherfu**ing L. motherfu**ing Jackson.)

Mama Nabi said...

ICK. I have the BIGGEST (really, I'm sure no one else has it worse) phobia of snakes. Ever since I can remember, I've tossed books away from me if a picture of snakes popped up on a page, I've jumped out of a moving car when a cruel ex tossed a plastic snake on my lap, refused to touch even pictures of snakes...

AND there are scenes in each Indiana Jones movies that I've never seen due to covered eyes and ears... and yes, I, too, have uttered those same words while watching those movies. If the line is indeed from the movie, I wouldn't know... since I cover my ears so I won't have to hear the hiss hiss... brrrr. icky.

I'm trying to be a bit braver so that LN doesn't inherit this silly phobia.

Dad Stuff said...

'Raiders' is one our favorite movies.
Our son thought it was really cool to find out why he is afraid of snakes in 'Crusade'.