Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Goobs and Batman

I love my little boy. He's great, but as it is with all humans, he's a pain in the rump...just like his daddy. We were watching TV last Sunday and he saw a promo for "Batman Begins" and asked me if it was on after the program we were watching. He liked the new fangled batmobile he saw in the trailer. I told him that it would be on Thursday night. He automatically assumed that we would be watching Batman together on Thursday.

J reminded him that he had to finish his valentines for his preschool party on Thursday. He told him mom this..."Mommy, I'm not going to preschool on Thursday to the party. Daddy and I are staying home and watching Batman!" Yes, he's cute...and he's determined to watch Batman. He doesn't know that I'll be at work and he'll be giving valentines to all of his classmates. I'll say this about the boy...A. He's got a memory on him...and B. He's stubborn. He will try to stay home and watch Batman (even though it's on TBS at night).

Valentines day in the Samok home will be put off until the weekend. Samok Daddy will be "bringin' home the bacon" teaching a night class and won't be home until 9:00. The cool thing is that our postponed ski weekend will happen on Saturday and Sunday. We are both so stoked. I can't wait to see my beautiful island queen fall on her butt repeatedly on the "bunny hill.!"


Mama Nabi said...

Okay, I am buying J a dinner if SHE provides a picture of you on YOUR smug Scandinavian butt from the ski trip. Really.

Haha, Goobs is my kind of kid - who wants to go to a valentine's day party when you could watch a batman movie... some hourse later.

Beloved said...

I am trying to believe that your son is a pain in the butt, but he just sounds so cute and adorable to me. heh.

I went on the high school ski day last week and spent the time skiing with my student who is still learning. She fell too many times to count, but by the third time down the bunny slope, she had it. I was so thrilled. Of course, I took all the credit, even though I had apologized to her earlier for having no clue how to teach her to ski since I myself suck at it. :>/ Hope your ski trip is awesome!

Dad Stuff said...

Sounds like the weather should be good for your ski trip.
Do they allow any skiers who tie pillows to their backsides?