Thursday, February 21, 2008

For Above Average Joe

I know I gave a shout out to Mama Nabi the other day, but I truly feel I would be remiss if I didn't do the same for Above Average Joe. He's also trekkin' through some similar mud that cakes Mama Nabi's boots right now. I just want to tell him that he is, indeed, doing the right thing by keeping the kids first and trying to walk through this thing calmly. Joe, it sounds really painful for you, but as long as you just do it for short 24 hour bits, you'll get through it. There's somebody upstairs looking out for you, who'll give you what you need. Like I said before...I'll be hanging around your blog to give you a bloggish shoulder to lean on if you need it. Feel free to ask...

And...Spring Training has begun for seamheads (baseball fans). I'm sure Fort Meyers, Florida is abuzz with activity with Twins fans and members of Red Sox Nation-Sorry Above Average...I'm sticking to my side of the tracks in Fort Meyers. I live and die with my boys from the Metrodome. Yeah, I know Torii Hunter and Johann Santana are no longer here to fill my household with hours of delight (yeah, J loves the Twins too!!!), but hope springs eternal, and as a baseball fan...I'm full of hope (or sh**, whichever you pick). I am fired up to hear "Play Ball" for the first time and smell the freshly cut grass.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. Your words are reassuring.

Anonymous said...

i sent aa joe an email. hope he doesn't think i'm a nutty-stalker now . . .

ahhh, baseball. this is the year i'm going to take the kids to the minor league games on a consistent level. i love me some baseball, but sadly with the pro's it's all about money . . . so i go for the minors where there's still heart in the game. (and $1 beer specials.) =)

Dad Stuff said...

Can't wait for those Twinkies to start playing in that nice new open air stadium in March and April in a few years.
We too are sorry for the recent trades, but at least my son's favorite is still with the team. Joe Nathan.