Friday, February 15, 2008

Batman revisited

I came home last night and I heard this excited voice coming from the living room..."Dad, Dad, Batman's on and he's got a really cool car!" I just got my shoes off and hung up my coat and he ran up, grabbed me by my sleeve and sat me down on the couch next to him. J was laying down and laughing. She was so relieved that I was home because Goobs couldn't keep his mouth closed during the movie. Now I could bear the brunt of his constant Batman and Batmobile questions...and let me tell ya folks...Goobs left no stone unturned when it came to questions about his new favorite hero and that hero's vehicle of choice. He was happy...he got to hang out with mom and dad for an extra hour...he got to see Batman...and now he's bragging about it in daycare today. I'm all for my son having a good time.


Anonymous said...

yay! for extra special time with the Goobs! I'm sure he appreciated it. And you know, you just don't know what's going to stick out in their minds as special memories and what's not . . . so you never know - in 15 years this moment may be the ONE he tells his buddies in the dorms about when explaining to them how cool his dad is. . .

Anonymous said...

and wouldn't Batman be his SECOND favorite hero?
(Dad's should always be first . . . )

Mama Nabi said...

Holy Batman, Goobs! That's so cool that he's excited about one of the coolest superheros of all time. (Well, I'm partial to Spiderman...) Gotta love the million and one questions that they fire at ya...

Anonymous said...
