Tuesday, February 19, 2008

For Mama Nabi

This will be another short but sweet post. This one goes out to Mama Nabi, who is wading through a rough patch in her life. You know you have my respect and admiration and prayers. God's got you in the palm of his hand. Even though it's scary and the pain is real... Those folks who get up and fight...those who refuse to lie down and just die...those who do it all over again, just to endure one more day...those are the ones who become strong. They are also the ones who know about trials and can share their experience with others who are lost in their tears and are knee deep in the mud. Remember you've got something to share...and it's going to help someone down the road who feels desperate and has no way out.

Today is a new beginning. LN starts preschool. I remember J that first day of daycare with Goobs and also with the Bun. There were tears...but damn...it's nice to have a child to shed tears of love over. How lucky we are to have that!

Now, go hug your kid...and as for the rest of the day...kick butt and take names!!! We got your back!


Anonymous said...

Go Mama Nabi! Its true about becoming "strong". With every day, I feel stronger about what I think is right.

Mama Nabi said...

Thank you... of course, I'm still sniffling today...