Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oh, the joys of parenting

I gave J a call this afternoon when I had a little time here at work. I found out that Goobs had a case of "sticky fingers" in Target this morning before he was dropped off at preschool. I guess he liberated a small ball from the store and J found it when she was strapping him into his car seat. She promptly marched him back in there and they returned the ball. I suppose this is a rite of passage for children and parents. Goobs now has this notch in his little gunbelt...He's got his little preschool shoplifting merit badge. I kind of wish I would have been there too, so I could share the experience. It's nothing to be proud of, I know. But...I do feel like we belong now...we're part of the grand parenting family...those who've dragged their kids back into the store with something that hasn't been paid for.

I know there are other issues that will come up in the future... Playing doctor with the neighbor kids...throwing dried dog or cat poop at a sibling...making inappropriate noises at restaurants...getting tossed out of class (just like dear old dad)...experimenting with inappropriate pyrotechnics that one of the uncle's bought in South Dakota or Wisconsin...getting busted toilet papering a school friend's front yard...you know...the stuff that kids do during their formative years. Maybe I'm being naive about what young people will do...I'm scared about stuff on facebook...internet predators...booze and drugs (lord knows...Samok Daddy was far from angelic). I hope our kids have simple problems. I want them to come to J and I with their fears, worries, and troubles. I know they're only two and four, but I suppose it's never too late to make the impressions as parents that are positive. Man...I hope and pray J and I can be that kind of parenting couple. Toss a coin in the fountain and say a prayer for us...we'll do the same for all of you with kids. It's such a crap shoot as to what will happen in the future. Good luck everybody!


Mama Nabi said...

ah... the sticky fingers, five-finger discount... rite of passage for almost all parents and kids.

On Goob's defense... did he even realize what he was doing?

Not to add to your fears or anything, but I'm always afraid of the fact that no matter what I do, I cannot control others' influence on LN - peer pressure, icky in-laws (soon to be ex, hopefully)... and peer pressure starts pretty young. SIGH.

I think the fact that you guys think about this stuff does mean you're ahead of the game, that you will more than likely be the best parents you can be. Kudos to J for returning to the store!

The other day, at Target, I heard a little girl ask her mom, "Mommy, did we pay for this?", nudging something on the floor of the kiddie cart. And the mom hissed back at the girl, "Don't worry about it!" in a way that made me suspect that it wasn't paid for.

I didn't narc on them mainly for the little girl's sake (there was a store cop right there)... also the mom looked like she could easily beat me up and I had LN with me. See? YOU guys are way ahead of the game in good parenting!

Anonymous said...

The Champ lifted something from Staples a while back. I cant even remember what it was. I dont think he was taking it as much as he picked it up to look at and walk out stll looking at it. The march back into the store was more embarrasing for me than him, I think.

The Father of Five said...

You'll be just fine.

Like Mama Nabi stated above - Goobs did not even know it was wrong. It's just not in their nature.

As far as worrying goes... Dont.

Things will happen. I promise.

They WILL get into trouble. I promise.

They will have to learn life's lessons - at each and every stage of their lives. I promise.

But what WILL make an impression on them (at some point) is that you are always there for them. Oh, don't get me wrong. I have told my kids that they can call me from jail... But I'm not going to come and "bail" them out of their problems.. They will have to fix their own problems... But, I'll still be there for them along the way!

Our #1 gave us more problems than most families have to deal with. But we are still there for him! And as it always happens - we all made it through to the other side... Sure - we have some battle scars - but we made it.

If we can, so can you! You will do just fine!