Friday, January 18, 2008

Change of Plans

It's bitterly cold up here in the northland. So much so, that we've abandoned plans for our weekend/anniversary/J's birthday ski weekend. We called the motel yesterday and cancelled our ski package weekend. My mom and stepdad are leaving for Mexico next weekend and won't be back until Feb. 10th. I just got off the phone with my mom and we've rescheduled the whole thing for mid-february. So, I guess it will be called the late anniversay/J''s birthday/valentines weekend ski trip. We're both bummed, but freezing our butts off isn't what we envisioned for the weekend.

So, this weekend is one to hunker down in the house, get blankets pillows, lay on the sofa and loveseats and watch a bunch of cartoons with the kids. I'll make my famous microwave carmel corn, have tombstone pizzas, drink pop, and just be lumps. To tell you the truth, it sounds like a good weekend to me. We'll make the best of it. We are determined to ski though. We've bought all this extra crap/skiwear, so we are definitely going skiing, come hell or high snow!!! It's just not on our timetable.

Change of topic...

Since we are two blocks away from the downtown Target in Minneapolis, I find myself there quite a bit. I went in just to get some office munchies and I briefly walked through the menswear section. It's okay to say it...I just don't get fashion today. I realize I'm out of touch. I actually embrace my out of touchedness.'s my question. Why are people buying things, by that I mean mens' clothing) that is new, but looks like it's had the crap beaten out of it and worn over and over? Why do you want to by something new that has the look of used and crappy stuff? There were t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, and sweatshirts that all looked like goodwill should get rid of them...I was through Macy's the other day and I saw the same thing...probably moreso with the fashion t-shirts that they were selling on the second floor (I pass through Macy's via the skyway when I go to the IDS Center's Crystal Court to get a Sola Squeeze sometimes). Every one of the shirts looked as if laid off grape stompers (with clean feet of course) with nothing better to do were hired to jump up and down on them until they were sufficiantly beaten looking. The sick thing is that these beaten up articles of clothing, especially at Macys, are completely out of my price range. I don't get why you don't buy something new and just wear it until it looks like the new stuff at Macys? I know...I know...the really worn stuff will be out of style by the time it gets worn out enough to be on mannequins at Macys.

It's kind of dumb, but that's what I thought about this morning...just that kind of random thought that pops up now and then. Usually, when these thoughts come out I have to push them back down because when I verbalize them in the office, the women (and I mean all women, I am the only guy among six people in a smaller office of cubes) usually roll their eyes and tell me I've fallen off of the deep end. I guess that's one of the reasons I blog...because of women. There are two females at home...and then five here at the office. I love women...they are wonderful...they bring joy to my soul...They are the best thing about being a guy...but sometimes letting the real me out in front of them is a little hazardous. So...I'll just keep blogging.


Dad Stuff said...

Your weekend sounded like my kind of weekend. Our family is planning to try skiing for the first time this year.
I already have a lot of worn out clothes, so I guess I am with the fashion, right?
I have also tagged you with a meme if you are interested.
Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

the funny part about most of the clothing part of the post is that it's actually CHEAPER and probably more "green" to GO to Goodwill and but the clothes there! (*It's fashionable among the upper-middle class kids here in SA to shop at Goodwills across town . . .)

Mama Nabi said...

dude... I don't know coz I'm sooooo not hip. It does seem silly to pay a few hundred dollars so you could look like you could stand in the corner with a cup in your hand asking for change.

Sorry you guys had to postpone your getaway... but probably a good idea. BRRRRRRR!!!! Where's that Grand Talk? (LN's way of saying 'Groundhog') shadow or no shadow? I needs to know now!