Tuesday, January 22, 2008

At Home Today

I had yesterday off, but here I am at home again today. It's daddy's turn and I am up to the challenge. What do I mean by that? The Bun had a fever of 102.5 yesterday, so she's being held out of daycare today as well. Something about waiting 24 hours if your kid had a fever. Well I'm here to tell you that today there is no fever and she's running around is if nothing ever was wrong. Daddy's here anyway.

She's just gotten to sleep after lunch. She always takes a decently long nap after lunch. She ate early and started rubbing her eyes, so we finished up with her grapes and corn dog and she toodled off to bed without so much as a complaint. I wish her brother were that way, but getting him to bed is a task not for the faint hearted. It takes all of my strength and patience to get my son to bed for naps and at night. Getting him out of the bed in the morning is even more trying, but that's just a cross we have to bear with him. Oh well...

This morning we've watched the video that she calls "Yellow Monkey" a few times, played with playdough, chased each other, had daddy rides, and cleaned up more than once. That's a pretty standard morning. I filled in the gaps by doing some laundry. I have some more to do now, so i don't want to take too much time on the computer. If the commanding general comes home and her private first class has not done his appointed duties-I gotta vacuum too, she won't be happy. She has this uncanny ability to get crap done around the house when she's home with the kids. Daddy on the other hand creates more of a mess than what he was left with. I'm trying to rectify the situations she's come home to in the past. Well...I have to run. I bid you all a warm hearted adieu. Have a good one out there!


Mama Nabi said...

Glad Bun's feeling better! Aw, Daddy-daughter day sounds like it was a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

do you have a brother? 'cause if i found a man who will stay at home with a sick child, do laundry AND make lunch for the kiddies, i'd marry him! (i have references, too.) =P