Friday, January 25, 2008

J's B-Day and Other Things of Note

Just a little addition to my last post-Last night I got home from teaching my class at about 9:00. I changed into comfy sweats and plopped down on the sofa next to J. I realized I was still hungry, so I went to the pantry and grabbed the first thing I saw. That just happened to be a box of Fruit Loops. So, there I was munching on dry Fruit Loops when my wonderful wife chimes in with, "I read your blog where you were complaining about working out and eating crap. Why are you eating crap?" There I was...sitting on the couch...flat cold busted with a mouthful of Fruit Loops. Then she tops it off with this..."Those aren't for you anyway. They're for the kids!" I sulked back to the pantry and put the cereal back. So kids...what's the moral of the story? Is it not to eat crap? Is it not to get caught eating crap...or is it not to blog about eating crap? I'm not sure, but I guess I won't be eating Fruit Loops in front of the TV with my wife when I get home from work anytime in the near future.

Today is J's birthday. Since she reads this blog, I can't reveal any plans for the evening. I really want to go out of my way tonight to treat her right. She's an awesome woman, mother, and partner. She gets cranky with me now and then, but that's to be expected...because I am Samok (Bisaya for Pain in the Ass). For all who are curious...It's pronounced like this...Sahm-Oak. She puts up with my samok ass, and for that I'm grateful. Needless to say, I've talked to the Dean and I'm leaving early today to get things in motion. I'm fired up for the evening...

This is always a weird time of the year for me. I did mention in the blog just recently about my father's death and mom and stepdad's wedding. Yes, it's J's birthday today, but it's also the day my dad passed away in 2000. My dad's birthday was also the 26th. The 29th is also my mom and stepdad's anniversary (the same week as dad's death-note we were all at peace with that...including dad). Our anniversary also falls on January 20th. It's always kind of a weird time for me. It's like this giant pot of joy and grief all stirred together. When I explain the end of January to coworkers or friends, they just kind of look at me and say...Whoa...that's a little weird. Yeah, it's not a normal turn of events, but it's my family. We've never been run of the mill, so why should this be any different? So, I'll shed a few tears for my dad, hug my wife and give her gifts and the love she deserves, and have a really good time this weekend.

And Bonus of Bonuses...It's going to warm up here in frozen tundra land!!! It's supposed to actually be above freezing for a day or two. I might have to run outside in a pair of shorts for a minute or two...just to remember what it's like to wear such items of clothing. The older I get, the more I think WINTER SUCKS!!! Please take me to a south sea beach...NOW!!! Why did my ancestors come to such a sorry ass, frozen piece of land such as Minnesota. Did they think...Oh, let's go to a place as miserable as the old country? Were they stoic northern europeans, who believed that suffering was the way to redemption? I seriously think that my existence here is due to Lutheran guilt and the belief that pain brings one closer to God. Now, you're probably wondering why, in the name of everything good and warm, did I bring my wife (from a tropical island) back to the land of my ancestors after being gone so long?'s all about family. I guess I love them and I missed them. we are...a wonderful family of four...shivering. The twin cities are a very good place to raise kids. It's clean and I think my kids will do well here. It is actually a good place to live...But, why...why...why...does it have to be so freaking cold here? Okay...I'm done whining. Let me dream about being on the beach...and oh...pass me the tanning butter...will ya?


Mama Nabi said...

Happy Birthday, J! Hope you guys have a wonderful evening!

Yeah, don't get caught eating crap. At least you weren't caught by your kids after you had given THEM a lecture about eating crap... right?

Unknown said...

dude. do what i do - i put the crap food in the empty box of kashi... works every time. ;)

i'm with you on ditching that freezing front, my midwestern bro... i walked the kids to school today and i don't think i've defrosted yet.

and last but not least, happy birthday to J! enjoy yourselves!!! i think that's what your dad would've wanted. :)

Anonymous said...

I HATE when my wife uses my blog posts against me!!! I think your wife and mine must be cut from the same cloth because I always get made fun of for eating the kid food too!LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday to your J! Have a great (romantic?) night . . .

After checking the weather channel re: Minneapolis, I don't think I'm going to complain about my "winter woes" this year (it *is* cold here, though). and the kids think it's extra special 'cause we get to use the fireplace! =P

Whit said...

RE: comments

Isn't there a box in the new post area under post options to allow comments or not? I could go look, but I'm lazy. Perhaps you checked it without realizing it- or turned them off in your settings.

Other than that I don't have a clue.