Friday, January 11, 2008

Here it is Friday afternoon and things have finally quieted down a little bit. I'm able to sit down and put a few words in the blog. It's a nice feeling to have the ability to do that. The problem is that I don't know what I want to post about...the mind is a blank slate...tabula rasa...There's air between my ears...I feel like I've moved into a state of deep "duh."

I will say's the heart of winter now. I know that J and I are going on our ski weekend next weekend...and I am really looking forward to it, even though weather reports have said that next weekend the bottom is going to drop out of the thermometer. We've still got the hotel room with the Jacuzzi and that sounds pretty good. We'll dress warm, ski (beginning lessons for her) and sit in the Jacuzzi...of course we'll have some good food too... It's going to rock... a little romance...outdoor beauty on the slopes...good food...It's a recipe for a fantastic weekend. The grandparents have got Goobs and the, we've got all the angles covered. We just want to stay healthy through it broken legs, no twisted knees, nor bruised backsides.

The thing is this...I am dreaming about beaches, exotic fruit, hammocks, and diving again. It's been almost a year since we went back to Davao. It's not fair...I want to run my toes through the sand and lay in the heat. I want to be in a place warm enough where I can sit in the darkness and not shiver. I wonder what it would be like to be independently I could travel here and there without so much as a thought. It's just a thought, albeit a fleeting one.

You know...there's got to be a way to travel for free...some sort of special trial deal...maybe we could offer to be in charge of international documents that need to be sent from Minneapolis to Seoul (Hey, I know it's not a warm place, but it's home...) or Manila...or transport super secret computer chips from the US to a top secret hidden lab in Fiji. Maybe we could be secret shoppers to beach hotels in Phuket or Boracay. There has to be a way...I just can't think of it now... J and I need to sit down and concoct a method that would have airlines beating down our doors, wanting to give us free tickets to any tropical destination in the world. I want an umbrella in my coconut juice...I want to smell like sunscreen...I want flip flop tan lines on my feet. Somebody help a poor boy out...Maybe you have some money that you want to donate to the Samok Family to send us somewhere warm... Dig deep...give from your a poor family get warm...Give Samok Daddy a sunburn, help J learn to swim this year...your assistance will help give the kids tans...It's not too late to give...from your heart...

Ha ha ha ha....


FingKASIL said...

SD: Thought I'd swing over and say hello and thank you for chiming in. One question: Why on earth would a person who lives in Minneapolis want to spent time outside? Good Gravy Marie, that's just crazy! We're going to Tahoe this weekend, but that's a whole different animal.

samokdaddy said...

fingkasil...Thanks for stopping by. Nice to have other readers. To be honest, it's cold, but it's really beautiful in the area we're going. If you've ever seen "Grumpy Old Men" the town they supposedly lived in is where we are going...Wabasha. It's got beautiful bluffs along the Mississippi and there's a national bald eagle preserve right there too.
I'll be a regular reader of yours...You have a great sense of humor and ya gotta love any woman who loves baseball!

Mama Nabi said...

... I ask the same question and I live here! :-)

Yeah, good luck getting that donation... hmmm, if you do get donation, wanna share?

Seriously, I wouldn't mind relocating to Hawaii.

Beloved said...

Yeah, ditto mama nabi. Share and share alike. But seriously (heh), if that document transportation to Seoul gig materializes, I'm in!

samokdaddy said...

Okay...I'll share. But, I see that you two have to make some kimchi chigae. I saw that you both were putting your two cents into chigae recipes. I do like the idea of sauteeing the kimchi in butter.

If you both have recipes for a good batch of Samgyetang...I'll definitely share some of the spoils of what we get!!!!

Beloved said...

Yes! As luck would have it, I have an excellent recipe for samgyetang on my blog (on the right side bar under 'Beloved Recipes'). Which reminds me I have a couple of cornish hens in the freezer for just that. Do you think if I make the samgyetang I I'll be able to visualize myself in the middle of a sweltering hot summer in Korea?

Anonymous said...

there's no reason why you shouldn't turn up the heat in the house for just ONE night, pour you and J some pina coladas (vigin ones for the little ones) and have something grilled or tropical like for dinner . . . oh, and wear your swim trunks while doing it! =)

Mama Nabi said...

hell, if you'll share, I will 'hunt' the chickens with my bare hands. Or better yet, I'll hatch the chicks myself.

(of course, Beloved is the queen chef bee so I may only have the chicken hunting skills to offer next to her more-than-likely kickass recipe!)