Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm back at the office today...Back in the saddle...ridin' on the trail...herdin' the students. Gotta love it.

I took a little break from the whole fitness thing and now I've been getting up early in the morning again to stay healthy. I was listening to the radio this morning and another report came out that exercise does increase heath (duh) and delay mortality significantly (double duh) in middle aged men. I'm a little older than the run of the mill daddy with a four year old and a two year old, so I'm constantly thinking about that. I'm exercising, but unfortunately my affinity for crap that's bad for you may negate some of the good work that I am partaking in.

It's dark and cold when I climb into the car and make the five mile drive to the gym. I truly do enjoy the atmosphere of people taking positive measures regarding their health, so I can't say it's a cruddy experience when I get there. I'm laying of the swimming in the winter, just because I'm a weanie and I don't like being cold and then jumping into the water. I'll lift weights one day and do cardio the next. It should break things up so that it won't get too old.

You know the problem with exercising always is that I want instant results. I want to look like an athletic man, perhaps a triathlete, but I want to look that way right now. Okay...I've taken a couple of months off of regular exercise because of my busy life. Muscles that appeared toned and tight, now are a bit fleshy. I've had to use the next notch in my belt and I'm not happy about it. I want to go out right now and exercise my ass off and get back to where I was only a few months ago. The sorry fact of the matter is that things take two things...time and all the crap that I like to ingest has to go bye bye...It's a use it or "gain it" proposition...because I sure as hell didn't lose anything over the last two and a half months.

J commented that she needed to get going again. Maybe we need a couples recommitment to exercise. It was so easy when we were first married. We were childless, had some cash, and definitely had the time. There was this great gym in Seoul that we spent probably an hour and a half to two hours a visit, five to six times per week. The layout was cool and the locker room was top notch. You could have had a five course meal on the mens' locker room floor, it was so clean... We did our own things, challenged ourselves, and laughed at each other. Now, life has changed so much. There is no time in the day to do that together...hell the only time to do things is so early in the morning, that most humans would kill a person for smiling and saying "Hi."

Life is good...changes happen...and you can't do what you once did easily. I know that to remain vital, I've got to exercise. I just want people to whack my knuckles when I grab a big mack or an extra handful of Doritos.


Anonymous said...

i hate . . . no, i loathe early mornings.

Mmmmm, the big mac. i love the big mac. but i love the mcrib even more. (i think a little bit of me just died.) =P

Dad Stuff said...

We were the same way before kids. We had a club and actually visited it regularly. Now the kids are here and the time and money are elsewhere. But, I guess, anything worth doing is going to be challenging.
Keep it up.

Melany aka Supermom said...

It is SO difficult to stay fit. I took a month of from the gym over December holidays and I regret that now. I am back at the gym and doing my own best. I do love going. It's finding the time that is difficult.