Monday, August 13, 2007

I want a good nap

The kids went to a different place today while J and I were at work. Our daycare provider is on vacation this week, so we have to be least for today. On this fine Monday, the kids stayed with one of J's friends. J is taking some vacation time for the remainder of the week and staying home with Goobs and the Bun. It's the busiest week in the quarter for me (registration). I've got to be there early and leave late. I usually come back from the Monday of registration feeling wrung out and not too social. Today, I felt okay...but the kids, they didn't fare so well today. They had a great time with Mari, her kids and Austin the dog. I don't know what it is about dogs, but my kids turn into crazy people when dogs are involved. There's hugging, squealing, slobbering, and petting. It's "Hi Puppy" and "Sit puppy." Their energy level spikes to three times it's normal level when four legged beasts named Fido enter the picture. The day was so fun, they didn't get their afternoon naps. Bad news for the Samok kids.
I walked in the house and the first thing I heard was crying. Goobs was lying on the sofa in tears. The Bun was in her toddler bed, already asleep. J told me to go give him a hug. Bad move for daddy. Goobs cried harder when I hugged him, so I had to take my leave of the area. I went back to the kitchen to hunker down over the sweet and sour meatballs that J took the time to prepare. About that time I heard a wail come from the girl's room. It's tornado season in the midwest and I almost mistook the howling coming from her room as a tornado siren. It was loud, it was persistent, and it was enough to put our neighbors into their basements with their radios on, waiting for the all clear sign. All kidding aside, she was mad and she let us know it. I picked her up and brought her into the kitchen so she could stay with us while we ate. That didn't work. I gave in and provided her with her nookie (the evil pacifier). I held her for a little while and tried to rub her back. Still no dice... J told me to lay her down again, and wouldn't you know it...she quieted right down.
Things quieted down just a bit. We just decided that we wouldn't wake the Bun. If she stayed down, we wouldn't get her up...Gosh I hope the diaper isn't too soggy in the morning. She's still down at this that's a positive. We've had a stormy night here and the lightning was flalshing and thunder booming for a while. Goobs definitely doesn't like it. We had to stay in with him. The little boy is really fearful during storms and it's going to take more than one or two nights of storms to convince him it's going to be okay. It was loud tonight...It was kind of crazy...and it's all part of the world of family.
J is still in Goobs' room. He's settled down now. We'll have a few more of these nights, so I had better get used to it.

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