Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I took Goobs to swimming lessons the other night and I watched as he walked with his teachers and other classmates around the side of the sand bottomed pool to where they conduct class. I wanted to just watch and not have him notice me. So many times I've got things buzzing around in my jumbled brain that I don't take time to just watch my kids and really see what they are doing. He hopped on one foot and seemed to really enjoy himself as he bounced along with the rest of the crew. He just appeared to really to be caught up in the moment with his jumping and hopping.

I really need to take the time to just be with my wife and kids and open my eyes and see what's really happening. I have to strip away my an adult. Screw the daily concerns for a while...drink in what it's like to be turning four...or two for that matter. Just to be with them...that's the goal. Forget the job, forget dinner, lose the idea of washing hands, chuck manners, and just be a kid with the kids. Free myself up and dive in. This might also kick my own personal stress to the curb.

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