Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I hate toddler beds

It's been two weeks since we took the Bun out of the crib and put up her toddler bed. It's been a rough two weeks. Since that time, the hallway from her bedroom to the livingroom has become a well traveled kiddie highway. Up and down, back and forth. She just won't stay down! Last night the fun lasted until 11:30. We put her down at 8:30 and she just wouldn't go to sleep. She came out, with her nookie in her mouth and dragging her blankie at least 20 times. J and I took turns bringing her back to bed. That girl was like the energizer bunny. One of the last times, J just let her run around for a little bit. She climbed on the sofa and bounced and then ran around in circles in the livingroom. We hoped that might just tire her out. I think it worked, but she still came out two or three times after that.
I am home today because of Northwest Airlines. Our daycare provider, who was supposed to on vacation until today, called us at 8:30 last night. She and her family were stuck in Detroit last night, so it was daddy's turn to stay home. The Bun finally crashed for a nap at 1:30 this afternoon. Maybe I'm making a mistake by letting her sleep. It could start all over again tonight, but as soon as I finish this post, I've got to clean up the mess in the livingroom and in the kitchen. If I don't get a break from the little tazmainian devil and his sister beelzebub and I don't give the house a thorough once over, J will kick my backside. It looks like a bomb went off in there!!!
I had better get my butt in gear. See ya!!

1 comment:

Sandra B. said...

I've heard a baby gate at a child's door helps with keeping them in bed. I've had no practical use with this advice, but you could give it a try.