Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Friends, Romans, Countrymen...lend me your ears!!!

So here I am with liquid dripping from my ears and eating antibiotics. My ears have been bugging me for a while, but I didn't pay too much attention to them. Well, this afternoon it was just too much to handle. I trotted over to the "minute clinic" at the downtown Target. Well, I found out I have a double ear infection. I come to expect that from my kids...but from me???

So they gave me anti biotic eardrops and antibiotics to take. I want my ears to feel better now. I woke up in the middle of the night with them hurting and didn't sleep for three hours. Hopefully, the pain will go down. Grrrr. My patience with my family is probably a little shorter than normal. I'll just grit my teeth and smile. They're patient with me, so I suppose it's my turn to be patient...

As far as Bun's pooping in the potty chair...well, let's temper the celebration a little bit. She has pooped in her pull up a couple of times since then. But the really fun thing is that she takes her pullups off and pees all over. Yesterday she peed on two separate pair of girls dress shoes.

We went to my grandmother's funeral yesterday. She was a kindly woman, who loved helping others. I wish that I would have been a better grandson. I wish I would have taken more time. I wish a lot of things...I guess it's a little late for that. My brother and I were pallbearers. It was a beautiful service and we said goodbye. I was sitting and thinking about what it means to be family member. I was blessed with a good family. I have to take part and give more...listen more...take more time...Be present...curb my natural ADD spaciness. But in the end...talk is cheap...My grandmother knew talk was cheap. She walked the walk. There was a lot of dysfunction in our little tribe, but she just chugged right on through that. Maybe she did ignore the 800 lb gorilla in the living room sometimes, but she was always there for others. My grandma rocked and it's high time I realized that.

Oh and one more thing. I got rid of my old beater car! My 16 year old niece is the proud owner of an ugly, dented, rusted, blue Olds Cutlass Ciera. It's out of my garage and I am sooooo happy! She's overjoyed and I am just as happy being rid of that old metallic millstone around my neck. Whooo hoooo!


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Anonymous said...

so sorry about your grandmother. the loss of a family member is difficult - but more so when that person is loved and respected. you did your family proud by participating in the service.


i am sooo excited for your niece. good times for her. this is the beginning of her life and it is appropriate that you were able to be there for such an important part of it.


cycle of life . . .

Mama Nabi said...

Am sorry about your grandmother...

LN just got an ear infection as well... she loves her antibiotics, though. Hers taste like orangesicle... how about yours?

samokdaddy said...

Well...let's see. They are big horse pills of amoxicillin and anitbiotic ear drops called ciprodex. There are no flavors...I like flavors...next time I'll ask for flavors...

samokdaddy said...

Thanks ladies, for your condolences. I do appreciate that. She was really a good woman.

Anonymous said...

next time you can get the liquid version and ask for the flavors . . .

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