Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's been a while

Yes, it's been a while. Work and life have conspired to make life complicated and so I haven't been blogging with regularity. I've got a little time today, so I'm getting back on the old blogging horse and taking a ride.

I found this Sesame Street picture parodying "The Boss" and I thought it was kind of cool, so I thought to myself "Self...why don't you stick this on your blog..." and I did. No particular reason, but I did it.

So...what's happening these days? Well, we've just finished another first week of class and it's been exhausting. I starting teaching night classes again on Monday, so my busy life just continues. I've got two weeks left in my Ed Law class. I've got a couple of assignments to finishand I have to present a final project on Saturday the 19th. I love my life, but my God I'd like take a little bit of a break and just lay on a beach. Our little Dodge is getting a older by the day, so it's time for us to get another primary family vehicle. J absolutely loves researching this and has spent countless hours online looking for the best deal. She's pretty doggone good at it, so she's taking that deal over. I do sort of feel that I am abdicating some sort of manly duty since it's dealing with vehicles, but honest to God, I think she's probably better at car shopping than I am.

We had our second round of parent/teacher conferences last week. I can't believe this, but Miss Andrea is telling me that Goobs is good in the classroom and is a leader. It's not that I don't doubt my son at all, but he and his sister are a little on the wild side at home. Miss Andrea did say that his language skills are high and he has no problem expressing himself. I noticed a few weeks ago that he was using irregular verbs in the past tense. He said "Sami broke my toy," which made me swell up with pride-my boy is getting it!!! IThe truth is that I am really proud of my son. I am waiting to see how conferences will go with The Bun. She might be a little more of a problem in the classroom...she's the stubborn one who likes to tease her brother. That's not for a few years yet, so she'll have time...and so will we.

Well, I've got stuff to do, so I'll say goodbye for now. Hopefully, I'll be able to post tomorrow.


Mama Nabi said...

One thing I realized (as a speaker of English as second language) is that the very basic verbs, the ones you teach your children right away, are most often irregular verbs: go, eat, sleep, run, break, come, lie (as in lie down), draw, write... the list goes on.

Yay for a good conference with Goobs' teacher!

Ed Law does sound intriguing... do you cover crime and punishment in plagarism and stuff like that?? :-)

samokdaddy said...

MN,Regarding your post the other day covering lie down and lay down...I realize that I indeed made the mistake that you were talking about-I said lay on a beach. It's always good for me to look back at my own usage.
As far as Ed Law goes...We've covered student freedom of speech, religion in the classroom, student safety/foreseeability of accidents on school property, release of student information, and collective bargaining. It's a class for future administrators. I don't want to teach in the states. I've got this goofy idea of wanting to be a headmaster of an international school overseas. If I'm not mistaken, you went to such a school, didn't you?

Dad Stuff said...

Our kids also seem to act better at school than at home. Good job Goobs.
My wife is the car shopper in our family too. She knows where all the good deals are online.
Rock on, Bert!

Mama Nabi said...

Yes I did... in fact, I know that they often look for administrators. Huh... we should keep in touch about this - one of my mom's many projects IS building an international school in Korea. She's looking at a couple different places. It's been in the talks for a few years so I don't know how close she is to getting the project started.