Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mom's day mania

Back again.'s been a busy week. Started another class and just life's been crazy. I certainly hope the merry-go-round slows down a little bit this week.

I'm coming to grips with the way I work on schoolwork and prepping for teaching. I never really figured out the way I operated and just kind of fought through things. I'm starting to get a little more peaceful about the whole ADD thing and have just accepted that I'll never work the way most folks do. I need chaos when I'm working. I'm locked in the bedroom on the computer. I've got "The Brand New Heavies" cranked up on Pandora. I bounce back and forth online and get back to my word document. I work for about a half an hour and then I've got to take a break and roam...say hi to the kids......see what they're up to...goof around with them a with J and then mosey back to the computer to work. I feel like a superball, but if I operate that way, I am energized. It's freaky, but it works.

We got a laptop for Mom's day. The cool thing about it is that it's got a camera and a mic on it and since we've got broadband here at the house, she has it in the kitchen...we've got it set up on one portion of the counter. We're all set up with SCYPE...and so is mama now. So, moring and evening she's checking in on her grandkids. It's wild because just two weeks ago, she couldn't see them at all since she's so far, she see's her grandkids every day. This was a great mom's day gift for her and her mom. That makes me feel good. Speaking of Mom's day, we got together in another room and made J a big sign. The kids combined their art skills with markers for mommy...It was pretty cool. Since Lola (filipino grandma) could see the sign, it was extra special. We also got mom a big hanging plant and some chocolate it was a pretty darned good day for all concerned. I've got to call my mom tonight and we will get together with her next weekend, so she gets her gift and card belatedly, but she'll love it. We got her one of those electronic picture frames, so she can get a snotload of photos of the kids. She's got danged near everything she could want, so it's always hard to get her something.

Okay...that's enough for now. I've got to get back to prepping for tomorrow night's class. Time to bounce back into reality again. See everybody later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

because I am a chronic procrastinator, i am always getting distracted and walking away from the work i SHOULD be doing . . . no matter what it is!

i loathe laundry, but if a paper's due - laundry all of a sudden "needs" to get done. i can't read an assigned article, but if i'm bored and there's no due date - i can read that article from 3 semesters ago, analyze it and LOVE it.

it's good that you're coming to terms with/recognizing and adapting to your "real" study self.