Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A head scratcher

I was just taking some time to go through news on the internet yesteday and I saw a story that intrigued me..."Woman injured in freak pelican attack." I just had this mental picture of a woman on a dock with a digital camera in one hand and a sardine in the other...trying to entice a rogue pelican into a cute photo op. You hear about that in national parks with Buffalo and other kinds of wildlife...but a freakin' pelican...come on...lady. You have to be brighter than the goofy marine bird on the dock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we were on the beach once with our then nanny (who'd never been). before i could stop her, she threw a bunch of crushed goldfish crackers into the air and about 300 texas sized sea gulls came descending down on her! (it was the most hilarious thing to witness, but so sad at the same time - she was HORRIFIED.)