Thursday, May 22, 2008

A chicken in every pot and two computers in the house

So, now we have two computers in the house. It seems like the old PC in the bedroom is mine so I can work on lesson prep and homework. J has the laptop in the kitchen that we use to talk to her mom in the philippines and she's also blogging on. It's fun to see her in the kitchen agonizing over a post that she's creating. She gets mad, as most people would, if I look over her shoulder when she is posting. It is rather amusing because she types out a paragraph or so and then she gets disgusted with herself and she deletes half of it and starts over. She seems to repeat this process a number of times before she successfully posts. I chuckle and then she kicks me out of the kitchen. Yes, it's always good to revise you work and check for typos, but I think she might be better served by just letting fly and writing what she wants and maybe letting the chips fall where they may. Of course...she is the way she is...and she probably won't take any of my suggestions about that. After being married this long, I think we're both comfy with that.

Some breaking news on the home front...Goobs has spent two nights in his own bed. We've had to return him there a couple of times each night, but he has ended up in his own bed in the morning. We've got this new method that J came up with. She made a blank calendar and put it up on the fridge. If Goobs spends the night in his bed, we put a sticker on a blank day. If he can put up 30 days of stickers (they don't have to be consecutive)he can pick out a toy at Target and we'll get it for him. So good.

It's finally nice out and it's a good thing. Memorial day weekend is coming up and there is one thing I'm a little miffed about. One of the students in the group I advise here at school became really enterprising...without talking to his advisor (ME!!!) prior. He set up an all ages event at a place called the Cabooze (the name is frightening in its own right) in Minneapolis on Saturday night. He has all of his bases covered, but there will be alcohol served for those above age. The Dean and the President were miffed and I heard about it, but it's so far along now that we can't back out of it. What it does mean for me is that I need to be present from 7:00 pm to 2:00 am on the Saturday night of the holiday weekend. I am the college representative for this event. I am the one who has to make sure that nothing terrible happens. The venue has ticket takers and bouncers, so it's going to be pretty safe. I'm ticked off because I wanted to spend a nice night on my deck in my new Eddie Bauer lawn chair and go to bed at a decent time...I'm somewhat of a geezer now and am comfortable with going to bed at 10:30 on a weekend. Okay...I've pissed and moaned and I'm done with that.

One last thing. Why does my daughter sit in the tub and yell "I pooped?" I rush to the bathroom and look for any little brown turd submarines...I never find any, so I drag her out of the tub and onto the potty chair. She grunts for fifteen minutes and nothing comes out. I think she does it just to get a rush out of her dad. The stupid thing is that I fall for it every time. I guess daddy is a sucker who entertains his kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i must be a geezer, 'cause i prefer to be in bed by 10:30, too. i just never get around to actually DOING it!

maybe the bun is still perfecting her skills for "negotiating the release of hostages" . . .

i may take J's idea - JC's still sneaking into my bed at night (he's almost 6). but usually i'm sooo tired i don't have it in me to return him to bed . . .