Friday, September 7, 2007

The family that reads together... you're probably thinking to yourself that a four year old and two year old can't read trashy legal thriller or international intrigue paperbacks. Your're right, but this makes a heck of a picture.

I was wondering how kids would turn out if you read something from either Richard North Patterson or Vince Flynn to them at bedtime every night instead of Green Eggs and Ham or The Cat in the Hat. Probably not so good. Better stick with the tried and true kiddie's lit. I can see all sorts of things coming out of their mouths during story time in preschool. Child protective services might be giving the Samoks a call...

Speaking of Kiddie's lit... "The Mothership" that's Target here in Minneapolis, is sponsoring a Children's Book Festival. It's in Bloomington, at Hyland Lake Park, off of Bush Lake Road . The thing will be going on all day tomorrow. We accidentally showed up last year-just wanted to hang out in a nice park with an awesome playground (Chutes and Ladders). There are all sorts of booths with authors, books, and activities. There is a stage with a whole day's worth of performers. Bob the Builder and Johnny and the Sprites will be there, so the kids will be happy. They even have all sorts of concessions there, so I can get all sorts of not good for you crap on a stick there.

So...if all goes well and the weather holds out tomorrow, Samok Daddy will run in the Dave Huffman memorial 5K at 9:00 (with my fans-all three of them cheering me on) and then we'll all toodle off to Hyland Lake Park to enjoy a day of fun. Wish me luck on the 5K.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

1 comment:

Mama Nabi said...

Too much going on at home... wish we had gone, though.