Monday, June 9, 2008

geezer glasses and memory loss

I broke down and got the librarian strap for my reading glasses. I started wearing reading glasses last year because thing were getting blurry when I was reading. I've been misplacing the darned things all over (that's also a sign of my aging), so I decided that I'd start wearing the strap on my classes so they'd just hang around my neck. Of course, nothing says "old coot" as much as reading glasses hanging around your neck. I've got some gray in my hair and I have reading glasses...but I also have a four year-old and a two year-old. I guess those things cancel each other out and I'm still somewhat young.

Pass prunes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is the year of grey hair for me. =( up until this past birthday, i had been fortunate enough to have black/dark brown hair. and now slowly but surely, they're invading. (i'm hoping for a streak.)

i wear contacts.