Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Do I need a pitcher of Red Bull to keep up with my kids?

Gosh my kids are getting loud at the dinner table. They're fun and make J and I laugh, but it's becoming more evident that taking them out to restaurants may not be an option. Maybe I'm being just a bit sensetive...But they were yelling "Mamacita" at the top of their lungs yesterday. I know they got it from a movie that I haven't seen...

They were running around with these mesh hampers that J got for them...they weren't dragging them around, but were wearing them on their heads...actually completely over themselves. They looked like oblong walking mesh cubes bumping into each other.

I want people to see the fun that my kids come up with...I introduced J and the kids to my fellow teacher for evening classes. Venisha was completely blown away by how small and active they were. Maybe it's because she doesn't have kids...or maybe my kids are a little hyper (well...that may be a little trickle down from dad. I don't know...but they just keep me young and running.


Anonymous said...

my kids are active, too, but i find that a little quiet time does a world of good for the WHOLE family. (thankfully AM likes to read and draw and JC is obsessed with making paper airplanes.) the other thing is that they're older - give them just a couple of more years and it'll be a completely different household! =)

(but a little red bull never hurt . . .)

Mama Nabi said...

And my co-workers wonder at the whole pot of coffee I down all day long...

Oh dear, I'm now afraid to put LN and your two together in the same room... could we put them in a padded room while we sit outside and enjoy a cup of tea or something?