Friday, June 29, 2007 let's start over...

You're probably wondering why I have entitled my blog "Samok Daddy." Here's the background...My wonderful wife is from Davao in the Philippines. Roughly translated from Bisaya, the dialect in that area, it means "pain in the backside." She tells me on a regular basis that she loves me dearly, but that I am samok. My son, who will turn four in October, tells me, "Daddy you are samok!!!" I'm sure that my 2 year old daughter would tell me it too if she could string together a complete sentence.
Yes, I'm a little hyper...Yes, I try too hard to be a good dad and husband and sometimes it backfires...but I guess that's my charm. According to J, my wife, being samok is just part of who I am. It's nice to have someone love you because of who you are. I guess I'll just keep embracing my kind of samok.

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